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Christian Aid offers a passage from the Bible with a reflection, action and prayer for every day of the year. The Bible passages come from the New Revised Standard Version which Christian Aid uses in many of its worship materials. We occasionally reference the King James Version.

The writers of the reflections, actions and prayers are partners, students, staff, supporters and friends of Christian Aid.

Daily bible readings
30 October

Lament and thanks

Psalm 28:6-9
29 October


1 Peter 2:1-10
28 October

Ask in faith

Mark 10:46-52
27 October

Relationship with God

Mark 8:25
26 October


Psalm 34:4
25 October

Be joyful

Psalm 126:3
24 October

Show you care

John 13:6-9
23 October

Wondrous deeds

Psalm 75:1
22 October

God's best for us

Psalm 37:23-24
21 October

Insignificant status

Mark 10:35-37
20 October

Honest words

Hebrews 11:36-38
19 October

Take heart

Hebrews 11:32-35