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For 75 years we have worked with some of the world's most vulnerable communities in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America and the Caribbean.

In 2019 and 2020 many of our country programmes came to an end. Read the achievements, stories and impact of these along with current active countries below.

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13 countries

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We worked in Brazil for over 40 years to reduce inequality and strive for justice.

Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)

Christian Aid has worked in the DRC since the 1970s. We contribute to the efforts of the Congolese people to build a prosperous and democratic nation at the heart of Africa.

El Salvador

We work with our partners in El Salvador to empower marginalised communities to demand tax justice, accountability and protection of human rights.


Christian Aid has worked in Ethiopia for more than 30 years, initially responding to emergencies, but gradually moving to long-term development.


In Ghana we worked to significantly improve the lives of poor and marginalised men and women and bring about a fair and just society.


Christian Aid has supported local organisations in India for more than five decades.


Working with five long-term local partners throughout the country, Christian Aid's strategy has been to tackle the root causes of poverty.


Christian Aid has been working in Malawi for almost 20 years. Our projects have focused mainly on resilience, disaster risk response and health, including maternal and child health and HIV treatment and prevention.


In Mali which is home to more than 12 million people, we work on long-term development programmes including economic justice and governance,


We work with local partners in Niger as part of our wider work across the Sahel including running feeding centres and helping improve farming methods.

Sierra Leone

Our vision is a Sierra Leone where poor and marginalised women and men have equal access to resources and services and can thrive.

South Africa

In South Africa, we provide solidarity and support through ACT Ubumbano, a regional network with ACT Alliance members and partners in South Africa, Zimbabwe and neighbouring countries.


Christian Aid in Zambia Our Joint Country Programme (JCP) in Zambia was established in 2011 to challenge the structural barriers to development and ensure the human rights of all Zambians.