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The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it; The world and all who live in it.

Psalm 24:1

This Harvest season as we gather to praise God for the earth and everything in it we also remember all who live in it.

At harvest time we give gratitude to God for his gracious provision of rain, sun and the crops that feed us. We take time to thank God for the people who work to grow, transport, package and sell our food.

We also lift to God all those who struggle to feed themselves and their families. Those without land, without a home, and those affected by the climate crisis to name a few.

This Harvest please share the story of Nyarai Zirugo from Zimbabwe who with help from Christian Aid’s partners was able to move From Hunger to Hope.

The climate crisis meant that Nyarai and her family couldn’t grow enough food and she feared for her children’s futures.

Nyarai’s mother Janet recalls a time when the droughts were so severe she didn’t know if they would survive.

During that drought, with no harvests, and little food, seeing my children and grandchildren without enough to eat was heart-breaking, I thought they were going to die, it was such a distressing moment, we had to get relief food.”

- Janet, Nyarai’s mother..
Image credits and information i
Nyarai feeding her livestock with home formulated feed. Credit: Christian Aid/David Braizer
Woman feeding livestock in Zimbabwe

Nyarai received agricultural training from Christian Aid which enabled her to grow drought-resistant crops and to benefit from harvesting wild crops that grew locally.

The training has given Nyarai hope for the future, she says; “we are better able to sustain ourselves even when droughts hit.”

Harvest resources

You could hold a special Harvest service using the Powerpoint, Order of Service and Prayers provided and either take a collection for Christian Aid or have a Harvest lunch after the service.

Faith Will

Spread the message: Your Faith is powerful, so is your Will. 

From Hunger to Hope - Order of Service 2024

This order of Service guide is designed to help you build your own Harvest service.

Harvest 2024 Poster - A4

Harvest poster for 2024 in A4 size

Harvest 2024 - Church Presentation

Harvest 2024 - Church Presentation